Decoration Marble Classification in Short


Giallo Siena Gold Marble Slabs

Marble is used more and more in modern decoration. Both in terms of texture and color pattern, it can achieve satisfactory results. In the decoration, everyone buys finished marble products. The price is related to marble stone. Here we look at marble stone prices and marble stone classification, so that everyone has a more comprehensive understanding of marble stone.

1. There are nearly 400 varieties of domestic marble, among which are the Beijing Fangshan Hanbaiyu, Hebei Quyang and Wuyuan white marble, Cangshanbai of Dali of Yunnan, Dahualvhu in Shaanxi, Bibo of Shandong Huaining, Shandong Qixia. The wave jade, hangzhou ash of hangzhou, jiangxi, nanjiang red of nanjiang of Sichuan, northeastern red of tieling of liaoning of Liaoning, rosin yellow of Henan chuanchuan, rosin jade and beige etc.

2, according to quality, is divided into four levels, A class has the same, very good processing quality, does not contain impurities and pores; Class B features close to the previous class of marble, but the processing quality is slightly worse than the former; there are natural瑕疵;C class processing quality there are some differences; helium, stomata, texture fracture is more common; D class: characteristics and C class similar, but more natural oysters, processing quality differences.

3. According to colors, there are many, common ones are: beige (gold ivory, shana beige, emme beige, moonlight beige); white (aspers white, gold spider); gray (pascal Ash, French wood grain ash); black (black jade); yellow (rain forest brown); green (rain forest green); brown (Turkish light net, Spain dark brown net); red (Spain Xi Shihong) .

   There are many types of marble in the market. In fact, this has a lot to do with the natural properties of marble. According to different forms, marble can be classified in many ways. Different marble stone classifications also affect the price of marble stone. It also has an important influence on marble products.

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